April 23rd
March 24th
November 13th
May 15th
March 23rd
April 3rd
April 24th
March 21st
November 29th
November 29th
November 29th
November 29th
Appreciation to Quality & Delivery Performance 2009/2010, DAIHATSU
Appreciation of Quality Target Achievement, HINO
SNI Award 2007
Appreciation to Participation In Cost Performance April 2008-March 2009, DAIHATSU
Appreciation of Delivery Target Achievement, HINO
Appreciation of Quality and Delivery Achievement, HINO
Appreciation of Quality and Delivery Achievement, HINO
Certificate of Delivery Performance, HINO
Anugerah Panca Satya
Quality Management System Excellent Achievement Award
SNI Award 2007
ISO 9000 Achievement Award